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<h1>Creating What Connects Us</h1>
<p>Discover how Dura-Line creates what connects us. Every day, in the little ways and the big ones, our lives depend on clear, consistent, reliable communication.&nbsp;</p>

Creating What Connects Us

Discover how Dura-Line creates what connects us. Every day, in the little ways and the big ones, our lives depend on clear, consistent, reliable communication. 

Empowering Sustainability in Telecom
Through Ambitious Goals

Previously, the two main success factors for a fibre network build were cost and time-to-market. But today, there’s a third non-negotiable: sustainability. However, as much as 98% of a telecom operator’s carbon footprint lies in the value chain and because such a large amount of these emissions are outside their direct control, the industry must come together collaboratively to make meaningful reductions. Learn more here.